The Campaign
The campaign “Cerrado and Amazon: connected by water”, in Portuguese “Cerrado and Amazon: connected by water”, arrives at COP 28, in Dubai, to raise awareness among the international community about the importance of understanding the interdependence that exists between biomes to face the water and climate crisis. With this, we warn of the urgency of conserving the Cerrado, the second largest biome in Brazil, but forgotten in global climate debates, and protecting the rights of its people and traditional communities.
The Campaign invites the same efforts made to protect the Amazon to also be considered for the Cerrado, which, like other non-forest biomes, tends to be left out of policies with global impact, such as the European Union regulations that prohibit import of commodities from deforestation.
The Cerrado and the Amazon are connected and live in partnership to remain standing, especially through the connection they have through water. Moisture from the Amazon reaches the Cerrado in the form of rain, which, in turn, infiltrates the deep soil of the Cerrado and flows through the rivers, distributing water throughout the country and also back to its sibling biome.
By showcasing this connection through a vital source of life, the Campaign invites the global community and you to be stand-up defenders of the Cerrado!
Check out the article “Artigo: Hidratados pelo Cerrado, refrescados pela Amazônia”
Learn more about Rede Cerrado: redecerrado.org.br